Getting It In!
Time does not slow down or waste even a second in marching on into the future, does it?
Spring turned to summer and all kinds of projects and opportunities started popping off, so I definitely owe you folks an update. The first quick acknowledgment is that I’m serving in my second Mandela Fellows cohort as a Peer Collaborator. The Mandela Fellows are a group of 700 incredible African young professionals who apply for a highly-competitive opportunity to come to the US and learn about various career paths in healthcare, the arts, grassroots activism, politics and more. My Fellow, Jo Tjiho, is from Namibia and we’re hit it off famously. Looking forward to building on ideas that might give me an opportunity to work in Namibia in a reciprocal scholar program next year.
I’ve been hosting and presenting in various capacities for events, and my annual voice-over workshop with Scribe Video Center begins on July 22. I love the chance to introduce students to the world of voice acting and to put some shape to their desire to learn the skills and develop another potential income stream. Registration is open at, if you’re interested in learning more, but space is limited.
And…I am super happy to get back in the studio to work on a few other house single ideas that have been percolating for months! Planned for August, the next release will be a long-awaited duet with the oh-so-soulful Chris Dockins. It’s a remake of an R&B classic, but that’s all I’m gonna tell you for now. Look for the Steal Vybe promos, coming soon. The other one was recorded a while ago, but needs some sprucing up before it’s ready for release. Maybe by the end of the year…
I’m still on my grind with getting more pages completed in my book on my family history, I’ve got a discussion guide to write for the PHOTOGRAPHIC MEMORY exhibit, and I’m still looking for some significant income for some of my other bright ideas. But things are moving, and I’m happy about it. Grateful for the chance to be creative, release great work into the world, and be appreciated for my efforts. Trusting that The Universe is steering me closer to my next big win.